Revealing my practice

These are examples of the notes I send to clients following each coaching session.  Where necessary I have changed names and details to ensure client confidentiality.  The notes serve several functions, to remind clients of the things they can do before our next meeting and for me to share any reflections and further thoughts I have had since the session.  The first two follow initial meetings, the middle two are from work-in-progress and the final two are taken from the end of programmes.

May 2011 Feeling safe enough to admit you don’t know the answer
A highly capable and ambitious product director in a leading UK bank was frustrated at having been passed over for promotion several times because of his inter-personal style.

February 2013 Escaping from the influence of the past.
For a senior functional manager in a major company the stigma of poor A level performance continues to undermine her confidence.

November 2010 Put a small stone in your shoe
When you are leading, how do you deal with your uncertainty that the demands you place on the organisation match the capacity of individuals to respond?

January 2010 Hail the Chief
The CEO of a leading hospital is doing a great job driving transformation but is experiencing the loneliness of leadership.

October 2007 Is that so?
A successful management consultant approaching promotion to partner was unsure that he was in the right career.

December 2012 Being senior
Some evidence that coaching works!